• The trainer can book an appointment by tapping on an empty slot that is tagged New Event.

  • On clicking the new event option the session owner will be directed to a book appointment page.

  • The date and time field will be preselected based on the slot selected by the trainer. The trainer will select the member by entering the name of the client in the text field. The system will load the membership details based on the member name entered by the trainer after selecting the member the session owner will select the membership for which the session owner wants to book appointment.

  • On the basis of the member & membership selected, the mobile application will load the total no. of sessions that the trainer can book appointments for. 

  • He can either book a single appointment or there will also be an option to book recurring appointments, on activating the toggle button. The session owner can select the days he wants to repeat the schedule by marking the days of the week and save the schedule by clicking on the save option.

  • The days marked by the session owner will be repeated for the remaining session. If the member cancels any one of the recurring appointments, even then the remaining recurring appointments will be unchanged and only that particular   appointment will be cancelled.

NOTE: Session Owner will not be able to book an appointment unless he/she is the session owner of that appointment.