In this document you will find all the steps needed to navigate and help the user to organize his/her availability, manage his/her appointments and navigate the user through various features of mobile application.

Language Selection

When the user starts the staff application the first step to get started with the application is to select the language in which the user wishes to use the application i.e. English or Arabic.


  • After the language has been selected the user will have to enter the URL of the Gym. 

  • A text field will be given to enter the URL.

  • The user does not have to enter the complete URL as ‘’ will be added by default. Hence, for example if the URL is ‘’, the user will have to enter only ‘abc’ and will be applied by default.

  • After entering the URL, the user can click on ‘Submit’ to continue to the login page


  • After the valid URL has been submitted the user will then have to enter his/her credentials i.e. Username and Password and click on login to continue.

  • On entering valid credentials, the user will be logged into the application.

  • If the credentials are invalid the user will have to enter his/her valid credentials to be logged in.


Note: The mobile application will allow the staff to login to the application only if the password matches with the username entered by the staff. ANd staff should have rights to access the application which is given via web application → Users→ User list-->Edit/Create→

Error message: The mobile application will generate an error message “Invalid credentials” if the username doesn’t matches the password or vice versa are inserted.

Suspended/Inactive/Password change - When you navigate to My Schedule page or Restart the app then the user will be logged out

Left Menu

The menu is at the left side of the screen which contains the following options

  • My schedule

  • My availability

  • Client list

  • Unassigned member list

  • Language setting

  • About

  • Log out

My Schedule

  • The session owner will be able to view the next and previous day by using the arrows. 
  • The session owner can select a particular day by clicking the month and year option. 
  • On clicking the calendar icon, the session owner will be redirected to the current date.
  • The session owner can change from day view to week view by using the three pin button.
  • Each slot that the member has requested will show up on the trainer calendar page in blank color (just outline) whereas the confirmed slots will be shown in filled color. The trainer can further, confirm or reject on the requested appointment.