This feature can be used to suspend the user id of your employee. Possible scenarios to suspend the user id could be staff resigned or absconded,  incorrect user id created or duplicate user id created.

  • Click on Settings → Manage Tenant User List. You’ll be redirected to a new page as shown below.

  • This page will by default show the list of all the active users.

  • You can use the filters like First Name or Last name to search the employee record.

  • Once you get the employee information. Click on the Edit button on the left side of the name.

  • Now you’ll be redirected to the user edit profile page.

  • Scroll the page down at the bottom of the screen and to deactivate the profile click on Suspend User. 



1. Can I activate the suspended user id?

Ans: Yes. you can activate the suspended user id. refer to Activate a Suspended User to learn more