Form Validation feature enables you to update fields mandatory or non-mandatory on the Forms. It will be visible on the Prospects, Trail, and Member Forms.

Steps to be followed for making a field non-mandatory on a prospect, trial, or member form.

  • You need to click on the Settings tab.

  • In the Settings drop-down, you have to click on the Form Validation option and you will be redirected to a new page.

  • You need to click on the Select button wherein the drop-down you can select the (Enquiry/Prospects, Member or Trail) form in which you want to make the necessary changes.

  • Once you have selected the required form you will be redirected to the page where you will see multiple fields that reflect on the (Enquiry/Prospects, Member or Trail) forms.

  • On this particular page, the True option means that a particular field is mandatory on the forms and False option means that a particular field is not mandatory.

  • If you wish to make any field non-mandatory you can click on the Edit option in the left-hand side beside the required field and make the changes under Required Field Validator from True to False and then click on Update.