Invoices that were not paid in full during the initial purchase will have an outstanding amount due. With the ‘Make Balance Payment’ option, you can create the receipt when the client makes the payment for their outstanding balances.

  • Search for the client and open the ‘Client’s Profile’ page.

  • Click on Purchase History.

  • Click on the Overdue Invoice from the list. Detailed invoice will populate on the right side of the screen. 

  • Click on the Make Balance Payment button.

  • A new page opens, enter in the Amount PaidReceipt Date & Payment Mode

Note: If the payment mode is cheque, credit card or debit Card. Then the Instrument number stands for cheque number or credit or debit card last four-digit, Instrument date stands for Cheque date, cc/dc Charged Date stands for cc/dc swiping date, Instrument expiry date stands for cc/dc expiry date and auth. code stands for authorization or approval code which you’ll see on the receipt after swiping of dc/cc on a Terminal machine. 

  • Click on the Submit button. Payment details will appear below the receipt comments box.

  • Click on Save to create the payment receipt.


1. Can we create a make balance receipt with part payment?

Ans: Yes, if the client does not pay the balance amount in full. Then only enter the amount paid in the second installment. Also, the system will redirect you to create a ‘Balance Follow-Up’ for the unpaid balance amount.

e.g. Client Purchased a 3 Month Membership for the total amount of Rs 6,000/-. And the client paid initially Rs 2,000/- and purchased the membership. Now pending Rs 4,000/- can be paid in further installments as per the above-mentioned process.

2. Can you create a make balance receipt with multiple payment modes?

Ans: Yes, If the client has paid in two different payment modes. Then first select one payment mode and enter the amount in the “Amount Paid” field, fill all the required fields and click on the Submit button. Once the initial payment mode details are added. Then follow the same process and select another payment mode and complete the transaction.

Fill all the necessary details to create the followup and set the next follow update for the balance payment reminder to the client.

Refer to Expected followup to know more.