This document will enable you to login to the FitnessForce software. To access the software for your center every user needs to have their own Login credentials i.e. the User ID and the Password.
Open google chrome browser.
Type your company’s software URL in the address bar.
Enter your ‘username’
Enter your ‘password’
Click on ‘Sign In’ button
Upon successful Login, you will be redirected to the landing page i.e either the centre selection page or to the centre page directly.
Any user having the access to the multiple centres will be able to select a particular centre from the ‘Centre Selection Page’ e.g. The HOD Sales of XYZ Gym have access to 3 centres, so he will be able to access all 3 centres lets say centre A, B and C.
You will be able to see your company logo on the Center selection page as a header and FitnessForce support contact details at the footer.
Any user having rights for only one centre will be redirected after the login directly to the centre page of that centre. e.g The Sales Executive of XYZ Gym from centre C will have access to login to only centre C and he cannot access centre A and B.
You will be able to see your centre logo on the Center page as a header and FitnessForce support contact details at the footer.
Note: Please do not share your password and logout from the software when you do not use the system.
1. Unable to Login or getting an error message as “Username or Password is incorrect”?
Ans. You can click on the forgot password link and enter the required details to reset the login password. If you are still unable to login into the system then you can contact your software administrator.
2. How do I get the company Login URL?
Ans. If you do not have your company login URL you can contact your software administrator or you can get in touch with your FitnessForce Account Manager or email our FitnessForce support team at
3. What will happen if I don’t logout?
Ans. You will be automatically logged out from the software if your session remains inactive for a while. However, If you forget to logout and before the session expires if any other user continues using your session they can access and operate your account.
4. Which browsers are supported by FitnessForce software?
Ans. The latest version of Google chrome is officially supported by the FitnessForce gym management software. We do not recommend using mozilla firefox or internet explorer or any other browser than Google Chrome as it is our part of the development and testing environment. Please make sure to clear cache in case of any browser-related issues.