A follow-up report is one of the most important reports to track the daily activities of your Sales and Front Desk Staff. This report will display on a daily basis how many calls were made to Follow-up with your clients. Similarly, it will also capture the missed Follow-up the count for each day. Through this report, you can monitor your staff efficiency.


  • To access the Follow-up report. Take your mouse cursor on the Reports option and click on the Follow-up option. Now you’ll be directed to a new page as shown below.


  • You can search the data as per the options mentioned in the drop-down as shown in the above screenshot. You can select Check Missed/due follow-upsCheck follow-ups done and Check Expected/Confirmed Payment.

  • Select Start Date and End Date to search the data. 

  • You can narrow down your search results by using different filters if required. Below are a few of the important filters which can be used as per your requirement.

  • Follow-up Type: This filter can be used to search for data with different types of follow-ups like Renewal Follow-up, Enquiry Follow-up, Balance Follow-up.

  • Follow-up Status: You can also search the follow-up data as per the followup status Like Open or Close.

  • Client Rep: This filter can be used. If you’re looking for the follow-up data of a specific user or client Representative.

  • In case you want to further narrow down your search results. Then you can click on the More button as shown on the right side of the screenshot. 

  • After clicking on the More button you’ll see more search filters as shown in the above-mentioned screenshot and explained in the below pointers. 

  • Comment By: This filter can be used if you want to search the data as per the user’s follow-up comment

  • Call Response: It will give you data output as per Call responses selected while actioning the follow-up like Successful Follow-upFollow-up AgainNot Interested - Rates too High.

  • Call Convertibility: This will help you in providing the data with the Call Convertibility wise like ColdExpectedWarm, and Hot.

  • Enquiry Date From to Enquiry Date To: This filter can be used if you want to search the data as per enquiry date created in the software.

  • Advertising Source: This filter will provide you search results as per enquiry source like ReferralPassing ByInstagramFacebook.

  • Location: This will provide the data location-wise that was entered in the client’s profile.

  • Enquiry Type: This filter can be used if you want data as per enquiry type like phone, walk-in, email.

  • System Generated: If you want to see auto-generated follow-ups data in the search results, then you can select Show or you can select Hide if you don't want the auto-generated follow-ups data.

  • Client Type: This field will provide you data as per client type like EnquiryMember or Trial. So you can select this filter as per your requirement.

  • Click on the Search Button to get the search results. 

  • After searching the data you would get results in the above format.


1. Can I fill the new follow-up response directly from the follow-up report?

Ans: Yes, You can fill the new responses by clicking the follow-up type in the searched data. A new pop will open to add the necessary information.