Family Membership is used by Gyms/ Clubs that offer Group Discount Offers or Family Membership Offers. In this type of Membership purchase, the Invoice is billed to the Primary Member only i.e the ‘Parent’ member and the memberships are assigned to the respective Members of that family or group, they are known as ‘Secondary’ Members or a ‘Child’ member.
e.g. Family of 4 Members paid for 3 years membership, Let's say Husband, Wife & their two kids.
Invoices of all these 4 members will be generated into the Primary Member’s profile i.e Husband’s profile and 3 years membership will be assigned to all the 4 members into their respective profiles i.e, Wife & 2 Kids known as secondary or child members as well to the husband’s profile i.e the primary member. However the invoices will not be generated in the child account to avoid duplicate or incorrect accounting. The Invoice will be only generated to the Parent account.
Similarly you can sell the membership for Group of 3 or Group of 5 or Group of 10 students as a Student Group Discount Offer.
There are 3 steps involved:
Step 1 is Configuration,
Step 2 is Invoicing
Step 3 is Adding a new family member.
Step 1 - Configuration: User having the software admin rights can configure the family membership. Here you need to define the Family Membership name, count of family members, membership rate & other details.
Login to the software with admin rights to configure the Family campaign.
Click on the Campaign tab & from the drop down option select the Family campaign option. You will be redirected to the company level page.
Fill in all the details to create a Family membership and then click on the Submit button.
The above fields are explained below:
1. Name: Define the family membership name or a group name. e.g. Family Membership 12 Months.
2. Status: Select status as ‘Active’.
3. Fixed / Dynamic: You can select a ‘Fixed’ amount to keep the price fixed and select ‘Dynamic’ if you want to change the amount at the time of invoicing.
4. Additional Payment:In the drop-down, you will find the list of different membership types like ‘Family Membership’, ‘Group Membership’ etc as configured in the ‘additional payment master’ setting. In this case, you are creating a Family Membership for Gym Floor & thus you have to select ‘Family Membership’ as an option. This will help you see the Family Membership purchase transactions into the ‘Additional Payment Report’.
5. Group Category: You will get the drop down list option like: Unisex, Female, Male, Junior. If your Gym Facility is meant for Unisex crowd then select ‘Unisex’ & likewise if its Ladies only gym then you have to select the category as ‘Female’.
6. No. Of Members: Enter the total number of members in a family i.e both primary and secondary member count.
7. Brands: Gyms with different brand categories. e.g. XYZ Pro, XYZ Plus and XYZ Elite then these categories of the same brand will appear into the drop down options like ‘Pro, Plus’ Elite’ and you can accordingly select the ‘Brand’ option field with appropriate category where you want to sell a Family Membership. However if you have a single gym brand and no further brand category then select the ‘Brand’ field as ‘Default Category’.
8. Offer type: Please do not tick this field, it should be un-ticked or else the family membership will not appear at the time of billing.
9. More: All the check-boxes should be ticked.
- Can Add Later: Allows the user to add a new member in the family even after the Invoice is generated.
- Can Master Take Membership: Allows the primary member to purchase any other membership apart from the Family membership.
- All Member Same Center: Allows all the members to access the same center. For E.g if the Brand has two Clubs, Club A and Club B but the family membership is bought for Club A then all members will be allowed to access Club A and no access will be allowed in Club B.
- All Member Same Expiry Date: All the members membership expiry date will be the same.
10. Add Product Default Category: This is where we have to select the Product Type and Product that will be sold as a Family Membership.
Once the offer is created you will get a popup message ‘Offer created successfully’. Now you can click on the Ok button.
To edit the Family campaign click on Family Campaign Filter under the campaign drop-down menu you will get the list of all the Family Campaigns you have created.
You can click on the Edit button to modify the already created campaign.
Second Step -Invoicing: Here you will be able to create an Invoice for a family membership and know how to add members & assign them with the membership.
Search any profile in the Omni search or create a new enquiry. Then you can click on the Purchase History tab within the client profile page & then click on Create New Membership Bill.
Click on the Family Membership tab & select the membership name for which you want to create the invoice. On selecting the family membership name you will get a popup window to add all the members.
You can use the New Row button in order to add more members. Fill all the fields with the required details & click on the Add button to add all the members while creating an invoice.
Once you click on the Add button you can make the payment by selecting the payment mode & the payment amount paid by the member.
Now you can click on the Submit button & the invoice will be generated.
Third Step -Adding New Family Members: If the invoice is already generated & you want to add a new family member into the same Invoice you can do that so. e.g. in this case at the time of configuration we have added the member count as 3, in this same Invoice if you have to add an additional family member lets say a 4th or 5th person etc you can follow the below steps.
Go to the Primary or Parent Membership profile. From the Purchase History select the Invoice you want to add the member. From the Invoice view page click on the Add Member button.
Once you click on the Add Member button a popup window will appear you can search and add the member into the Family Membership Invoice. Once you select the member name you can click on the Save button to add the new members. Multiple members can be added at the same time from the same page.
Once the new member is added successfully you will receive a Popup message notifying that the ‘Member added successfully’.
Invoice will be updated with the added member details on the Invoice view page.
1. Who can configure the Family Membership?
Ans: A user with system administration right can do the configuration.
2. What happens if the Offer Type has been kept as tick marked?
Ans: The Membership under the Family Membership Campaign will not appear at the time of invoicing on the purchase page.
3. Can the Family membership be edited?
Ans: Yes, you can edit the below fields only.
i. Family Membership Name ii. Price iii. Member Number and iv. Status (active / inactive)
4. Will a user/staff be able to add members more than the configuration limit set into the family membership campaign?
Ans: No. The software will give an error message if the user is trying to add new members above the limit already defined in the family campaign configuration as shown in Step 1. Only the system admin user will have rights to add members into the Invoice as shown in Step 3
5. Can we provide an additional discount while creating the bill for the Family Membership?
Ans: No. The Family Membership Campaign is an already discounted campaign for group enrolments and thus they will not get further discount beyond the price which is already set into the system. Even if the user has the discount rights in their ‘User Access Templates’ they will not be able to apply any further discount on such campaigns.
6. Will the invoice be created in all the member’s profiles in a family? Will everyone receive a Family Membership Invoice?
Ans: No. The invoice will be created only in the primary member’s profile who’s paying for the membership. Invoices will not be shown in the child’s profile. However the membership will be found in everyone’s profile i.e both parent and the child profile/account.
7. How will other members know their membership status?
Ans: As the memberships will be assigned to all the members, their memberships will be seen in their respective profiles under the ‘Membership Details’ section.
8. How will the tax be calculated on the Tax Invoice?
Ans: The Tax will be calculated at the time of billing based on the product that has been configured with Tax which will appear in the Primary Members profile.
9. Can Invoice of Family Membership be paid by Paylink?
Ans: Yes.
10. Does Family Membership Invoice Support Multi Payment modes?
Ans: Yes. At the time of billing, while selecting the mode of payment, the client can pay by multiple modes and bills can be created as per the payment mode received.
11. Users who have rights to create the bill can be restricted not to create an Invoice for the Family Membership?
Ans: No. Users having the allowed rights to create the bill will be able to create a Family Membership Invoice as well.
12. Can we TAG Primary members? How do we come to know a profile is a primary Member profile?
Ans: Yes. In the Primary Members profile page, add a word as ‘Primary’ in his Last Name field. For e.g. Rohan Das. You can edit the last name as Das - Primary.
In the Secondary Members profile you need to select the primary member name under ‘Referred by Feature field. For E.g Neeta Das profile will have a ‘referred by’ name as Rohan Das.
13. What happens if I cancel the bill?
Ans: The Membership from all the Family Members profile including the primary member will be cancelled and removed.
14. Can I Freeze membership?
Ans: Yes. You can freeze the membership of all the members individually.
15. Can I upgrade membership?
Ans: Yes. Only the Primary Members Membership can be upgraded from the lower package to the higher package, reason being the invoice is only generated in the primary’s member profile. As the invoices do not get created to the Secondary members profile their membership upgrade transaction cannot be done.
16. Can I transfer membership?
Ans: Yes. Only the Primary Members Membership can be transferred from the lower package to the higher package, reason being the invoice is only generated in the primary’s member profile. As the invoices do not get created to the Secondary members profile their membership transfer transaction cannot be done.
17. Where to find the Family Membership Purchase Transactions?
Ans: You can go to the Report section and select ‘Additional Payment Report’ to find the purchased Family Membership Transactions.
18. Can we in-activate the Family Membership?
Ans: Yes. Go to Campaign and select ‘Family Campaign Filter’. List will appear for all the family memberships created. Click on the edit button. Select the status as ‘Inactive’ & click on the update button to inactivate the Family Membership campaign that is not required.