Uploadable client feature enables any important documents or information to be uploaded or saved in the clients profile. e.g. Aadhar card, Pan card or BMI details which can be scanned and saved in a clients profile page.
Below are the steps to configure this feature:
Go to the setting option and click on Manage Questionnaire.
Click on create a new survey.
Mention the survey name & description.
Select form type as Upload Form in drop down.
Select status as Active.
Mention the Printable Content in the printable content box.
If you want to add client form with any specific follow up type then check the Yes radio button.
If you don't want to add client form with any follow up type then check the No radio button.
Click on Create.
Then you can review the information on the client summary page.
Click on Client form and you can view the created form
Note: The ones highlighted in yellow will be the up-loadable form.