Product Type Master is a configuration that helps categorize the various services offered at the gym/club. For example: Membership, Personal Training, Yoga, Mix Martial Arts, etc.
To each of these ‘Product Types’, we need to map their relevant Product Memberships. For example, for a Product Type ‘Membership’, products can be created like
‘Membership 1 Month’
‘Membership 3 Months’
‘Membership 12 Months’
Similarly, for a ‘Product Type’ Personal Training, relevant products can be created like
PT - Platinum 1 Month
PT - Gold 1 Month etc.
This configuration will help you create the Product type for the services offered at your club be it valid based on the number of days or number of sessions. Once we create the product type we need to start with Product Configuration.
Refer to Product creation and Edit to learn more
To get started, you have to select the Product Type option. Click on product Type Creation to create a new Product Type. If you wish to view the list of Product Types created then you can click on Product Type Filter.
Product Type Name: Enter the required details of the Product Type that you need to create. Fill the Product Type Name e.g. Membership, Personal Training, Zumba, Massage, Yoga
Abbreviation: Enter the Abbreviation i.e. a short form for the Product Type Name e.g. MEM for Membership, PT for Personal Training, ZU for Zumba, YO for Yoga
Pick Color: If you wish to select a color you can pick a color from the Color Template.
Pick Icon: Pick a corresponding Icon from the Icon Template as per the service name.
Description: You may enter a Description about the Product Type in the Description field if you don’t have any particular description you can enter the Product Type Name itself in the field. e.g. If Product Type Name is ‘Off-Peak hours membership - 12months’ then the description could be “this membership comes with a time restriction to access the gym between 12 pm to 4 pm.
Status: You will set the Status as Active. Keeping the Status In-active will deactivate the Product Type and will not reflect in the software.
Terms & Conditions for ProductType: If you have no Terms and Conditions particular to this Product Type you will set the Terms & Conditions for ProductType option as No.
If you have certain Terms and Conditions particular to this Product Type you will set the Terms & Conditions for Product Type option as Yes. Doing so will give you two additional text fields.
- Terms & Condition Title: e.g. Membership Terms & Conditions or Personal Training Terms & Conditions.
- Terms & Condition on application: Enter the Terms and Conditions detailed points in the text field given below.
- Terms & Condition on Web: This field is to show the terms and conditions on the Website/Mobile App. It is required to be filled in case if you are selling the memberships on your club/gym website or through a mobile application. Otherwise, this field can be left blank.
Product Type Name (English): This is the friendly name for the services shown in the Mobile App. You can mention the same Product Type Name in this field.
Product Type Name (Arabic): This is also the friendly name for the services shown in the Mobile App in the Arabic language. Mention the same Product Type Name in this field.
From the ‘Assign Centre’ page, if you need this Product Type to be available only in the particular centres then select those centers by clicking the Green Add Symbol.
Once you have selected the centres, click on Create, and your Product Type Master will be created in that many selected centres. You can then proceed with Product Configuration for each of the Product Types you have created.
1. Can the Product Type be edited or deleted after creation?
Ans: No, the product type cannot be edited only the centres assigned to that product type can be added or removed. However, you can In-activate the ‘product type’ and can create a new product type.
Please note, any old sold records will remain unchanged and we will show as per the earlier active ‘Product Type’. Once you in-activate the old one and create a new ‘Product Type’ it will be applicable to all the future transactions.