The package is a combination of two or more products. You can combine the services at discounted rates as a package offering. A single service/product purchased separately by the client would cost them more amount and such leverage can be considered by the business to upsell the services by creating packages using the combination of multiple products and make them as a part of the price presentation.

For eg: 12 Months Gym Membership + Personal Training 1 Month @15% discount.


Kindly refer to the steps below to create Packages.


  • From the top menu bar click on Packages menu and then click on the Package Filter option. After clicking on the package filter option, you’ll be directed to a new page as shown below.

  • On this page you will find the list of all the packages created earlier. Every package will show the information about the ‘Status’, ‘Run across’, ‘Who can execute’ and ‘Last updated date’. 

Status: It shows whether the package is Active or Inactive.

Runs Across: This icon shows how many centers can sell this package. For E.g if you have 5 branches in total and you sell specific packages only in 3 centres  then you can see the centre count here as #3. Let's assume that there are two brands of the same Gym i.e XYZ Pro Club and XYZ Premium Club, the XYZ Pro brand has 3 gym centres and remaining 2 centres belongs to XYZ Premium brand. In this case the ‘Run Across’ will show ‘3 centres, 1 Brand’.

Who can execute: When you see both the icons i.e Web and Mobile App under ‘who can execute’ column. It indicates that this package is available to be sold at the centre i.e the invoicing will be done using the web application at the centre as well as it can be sold through the Mobile App. So your clients can directly purchase it from the Mobile App as well.

If you configure the package to be sold only on the Mobile App and not on the web app, then here you will see the active icon of the Mobile App only. This means your clients can buy the specific package from the Mobile App only and cannot buy them at the centre.

Last Update Date: It shows the last date when the package was edited or updated. Please NoteIt doesn't track the record of the changes made to the package. 

You can also use the Package Name filter to search the package from the list of packages created.

To create the new packages. Click on the Add New Package button. It will redirect you to the below mentioned configuration page. In this configuration page you need to follow below 4 Steps:

Step1 - Package Information: Here you need to fill the Package information.

Step2 - Package Execution:  Here you can define where this package can be sold i.e at the centre or through mobile application or client portal etc. Also you can set user permissions who can sell the packages at the centre. 

Step3 - Add Products: Here you need to add multiple products and set the relevant setting to create the package.

Step4 - Assign the centres: Here you need to define the centres where you would like to sell the packages.

Step 1: Package Information: You need to fill the ‘Package Name’ and ‘Package Additional Information’ here:

Package Name information to be filled as below:

  • Name (Default): This is the package name that will show on the Web Software. 

For E.g  Gym Membership 12 Months + Zumba 3 Months

  • Description (Default): Here you can describe the package details that will show on Web software, like the validity or the no.of  sessions or any additional information you want to provide.

E.g: Get 365 days gym access + 36 Sessions of Zumba

Another Example for Product Name and Product Description is as below:

Product Name: Off  Peak Hours Gym Membership - 12 Months

Product Description: Get 365 days access between 11pm to 5pm IST

  • Terms and Condition (Default): In this window, you can list down the terms & conditions relevant to that package, so in this example you can list down the terms and conditions related to your Gym and Zumba Services. These terms and conditions will appear in the Invoice on the web application. 

Similarly like the web application, you can configure the same fields for the Mobile App in case if you’ve opted for the Mobile Application services of FitnessForce.

  • Name (English): This is the package name that will show on the Mobile Application. 

E.g: Gym 12 Months + Zumba 3 Months

  • Description (English): Here you can describe the package details that will show on the Mobile Application, like the validity or the no.of  sessions or any additional information you want to provide.

E.g: Get 365 days gym access + 36 Sessions of Zumba

  • Terms and conditions (English): In this window, similarly like a web application you can list down the terms & conditions relevant to that package. These terms and conditions will appear in the Mobile Application. Clients making the purchase through the mobile app will have to accept those terms and conditions before proceeding to make the payment.


Package Additional Information are the mandatory fields to be filled as below:


  • Status: While creating new packages the ‘Status’ should be selected as Active. 

Selecting status as active means the package will be visible in the web application  and mobile application to sell. In case the status has been selected as Inactive then this package will not be visible or available to be purchased from the Web Application or the Mobile Application.


  • Show Package Details on purchase * As a best practice, you need to select the option as Yes in this dropdown. This allows all the products added in this package to be visible with all the details on the invoice. However, if selected as No, then it would only show the package name on the invoice and not the individual product details added in this package.

You can refer below images for both the scenarios:


1.If Show Package Details on purchase  is selected as Yes. this is how the   Invoice will look:



2.If Show Package Details on purchase is selected as No, this is how the Invoice will look:




  • Can be purchase as single package *If you select the ‘Can be purchased as single package’ option as ‘Yes’ it will allow you to sell the package as per the package rate and it can also be added to any Offer or Campaign as well. 

For E.g Package of “Gym Membership 12 Months + Zumba 3 Months” @ INR 20,000

For E.g  Campaign Created as ‘Christmas Offer’ only for 2 days. In this offer the same package of “Gym Membership 12 Months + Zumba 3 Months” can be further discounted at an offer price rate, lets say 20% discount i.e @INR 16,000.

So, when this setting ‘Can be purchased as a single package’ is selected as Yes, it means when you are creating an Invoice, this package will be seen in the package list at the rate of INR 20,000 and the same package will be shown in the Campaign at INR 16,000. So basically if there is  an offer running at the club you will be selling the packages through Campaign and when the Offer ends, for e.g in this case the offer ends in two days, thus you can sale the same package at its regular rate i.e INR 20,000

If you select the ‘Can be purchased as single package’ option as ‘No’ it will not allow you to sell the package as per the package rate and it can be sold through the Campaigns only . This means when you are creating an Invoice this package will not be seen under the package list. This package will be only seen in the campaign list, so you need to select the relevant campaign to sell this particular package. 

Step 2 : Package Execution 

  • Who can execute this Package : 

i. For Staff and Application: If you select this option, then this package can be sold by the staff at the centre using the web application and the client can purchase it using the mobile application.

ii. MemberApp and Client portal: If you select this option then this package can be purchased directly by the client through the Mobile App or Client portal. However, it will not be available on the web application i.e the Staff will not be able to sell this package at the centre.

  • Can be sold At: In this field you will get the list of centres and using the multi-check box option you can define the list of centres where you want to allow this package to be purchased. Thus, packages can be purchased only in those respective centres. 

For E.g you have 5 centres, however you want to sell this package only in 3 centres then in such case you need to select those 3 centre names under the ‘Can be Sold At’ setting. 

  • Can be sold By : If you have selected “For Staff and Application” in the previous setting of ‘who can execute this package’, then this option will automatically be enabled to select the user name from the centers. Basically this setting helps you define the users who can create an invoice for this package.

For E.g: If you’ve any specific packages to be sold only by the specific users at your centre, For e.g let’s say, VIP Campaign @40% discount then you can allow this package to be sold only by the Manager and not by any other user. Thus in this setting you need to select the name of those users who can sell or create Invoices in the system for such packages.

 Step 3Add Products

  • Here you need to add the relevant products required to create a package. 

For E.g two products as mentioned in this example are Gym Membership 12 Months and Zumba 3 Months. 

  • Membership Type Field: Use this filter to search the products as per their membership type.

          E.g: Gym Membership, Personal Training, Zumba, Yoga etc.

  • Search Field: Use this filter to search the products by their names.

                     E.g: Gym Membership 12 Months, Zumba 3 Months. etc

  • To add the product in the packageyou can click on the Add sign (+) shown on the left side of the product name. 

Step 4: Assign Center

Once the products are added as shown in the above image, you need to fill the relevant settings as below:

  • Master: You can select the radio button on the left side of the product name. After selecting the radio button it will make that product as a master product. This will also be used on the Mobile Application while searching the product details. 

For E.g: Let’s say you have marked ‘Gym Membership 12 Months’ as a master product. Now, any client searching the product on the mobile application through the membership type as “Gym Membership”, then the search result will show all the Gym Membership related products as well as packages because here ‘Gym Membership’ is added in this package as a master product.

  • Edit Button: In order to edit the below-mentioned fields, you need to click on the Edit button as shown in the image above.

Transferable: In this setting, select Yes or No to the individual products added to this package.

For Eg: Transferable option ‘Yes’ selected for ‘Gym Membership - 12 Months’ and ‘No’ selected for ‘Zumba - 3 Months’. Now, let's say the member for some reason discontinues to attend the gym and wishes to transfer this package to another member or to a non-member, then from this package only the remaining membership period of his ‘12 months Gym membership’ will be transferred to another person because the ‘Transferable’ option was set to ‘Yes’, however ‘Zumba 3 Months’, will not be transferred as the setting was set to ‘No’.

Similarly, if the ‘Transferable’ setting is set to ‘No’ for both the products under this package then the member will not be allowed to transfer his package to another person. 

Freeze  Allowed: If you want to allow ‘Membership Freeze’ then select ‘Yes’ if you don't want to allow the membership freezing then select as ‘No’.

Freeze  Type: There are two freeze types  i) Prepaid and ii) Postpaid.

i. Prepaid:  This option can be used, if you want to sell the package inclusive of the freezing charges. Clients do not have to pay for any additional charges at the time of doing the membership freeze because these charges are already included at the time of buying the membership i.e Advance Freeze Fee charges.

However the freeze will be allowed as per the ‘Freeze Attempts’. This also means every time before applying for the Freeze of membership no invoices have to be generated.

If you want to allow one time ‘Freeze’ for free then select the Type as ‘Prepaid’  and Freeze attempt as “1” for that particular product. Fee will remain “0”. No invoices will be generated either.

ii. Postpaid: In the Postpaid Freeze,a member is not eligible for a ‘Free Freeze’, thus an invoice has to be created as per the Freeze Fee charges before every freeze transaction is applied. 

For E.g. Let’s say, for Gym 12 Months Membership, Freeze attempts allowed is #3 and the freezing fee is INR 300. This means INR 300 is the Freeze fee per attempt. So for 2 attempts it will be INR 600 & so on. Post the Invoice is generated the Membership can be frozen as per the allowed freeze days.

Attempt Allowed: This helps define the number of attempts allowed to Freeze a membership as per valid days of the membership. 

For E.g: Gym Membership - 12 Months, freeze attempt allowed as #3. Gym Membership - 06 Months, freeze attempt allowed as #1. 

Max freeze Days: You can define the maximum freeze days allowed per freeze attempt.

For E.g: 20 days set as Max days per Freeze attempt. This means, the client will not be able to freeze the membership more than 20days per freeze attempt.


Freeze Fee: This setting is applicable to the Postpaid Freeze option. You can define the freezing fee as per the individual product.

For E.g. Let’s say, freezing fee is defined as INR 200 for 6 Months Gym Membership. Fee of INR 300 for 12 Months Gym Membership etc. Prepaid Freeze will not have Freezing Fee.

  • Stock 1, Stock 2, Stock 3:  Along with the package if stocks have to be assigned then you can select the ‘Stock’ names from the drop down. 

For Eg: With Gym Membership 12 Months + Zumba 3 Months. Gym Bag & Sipper Bottle is free then here you can select the gym bag in ‘Stock1’ and Sipper bottle in ‘Stock2 field’. 

To know more about ‘Stock’ configuration refer to our ‘Stock’ module on our knowledge portal 

  • In the Brand & Center: Default Categories. Here you need to define the centres where you would like to sell the packages.

  • To add the centre, click on the Add sign (+) on the left side of the center name. This will enable the package in the selected center. 

  • After selecting the center name. You can also apply a discount on the added products in this package. You can refer to the Discount Percentage field and click on the hyperlink ‘Apply to all’ as shown in the ‘Brand & Center: Default Categories’ image.

  • Similarly, you can apply a discount on Net Cost by clicking on the hyperlink Apply to all

After applying the ‘Discount Percentage’ and ‘Net Cost’. You’ll have two options :

  I. Apply to this brand - Selecting this option will apply the discount for the    selected center only.

 II. Apply to all brands - Selecting this option will apply the discount for all the centers of that Brand. For Eg: If XYZ - Premium brand has 6 centres then it will be applied on all the 6 centres.

  • To apply the discount  or net cost you can then click on Submit button 

  • Once the discount is applied you can click on the Create button and the package is then created.


1. Who has the right to change the rates of the package?

Ans. The admin or the person having package edit rights can change the rates.

2. Any changes done on the existing product will affect the existing invoices in the system?

Ans. No. The changes made to the package will be applicable for the future sell/ invoices. The existing invoices in the system will have no impact and will remain unchanged.