Member Application
Member Application
This feature will give you a description of the Gym or the Club profile. You can also view the App. version at the bottom. Click on the Sidebar. ...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 8:51 PM
Buy flow will enable you to complete your purchase through Mobile Application. The feature will enable you to: Buy your desired Membership or Add-on ...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 8:53 PM
On the left menu, users can click on “Explore Centers” to explore the club, view the services offered in the center. The pictures of different areas of the ...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 8:57 PM
This document will enable you to check the trainer details before you make a choice to select a trainer for your workout. Here you will be able to see the l...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 8:59 PM
Feedback option is available on the left menu, Which has three sections through which users can report issues. 1) Write To Us 2) Call Customer Service 3) Ap...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 9:02 PM
Once the user log in to the App, the app lands on the home page. This could be found from the Sidebar on the top left corner from any page of the applicatio...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 9:04 PM
This feature enables users to switch from the current language to the desired language. Once you attempt to switch the language the app will get logged out ...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 9:06 PM
If you are an existing user of Mobile App, this will help you to log in to the Mobile App with the help of your registered mobile number using the OTP recei...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 9:07 PM
This feature is used to log out from the application. Click on the Sidebar. Click on the Log Out button. Click on Yes to confirm...
Sat, 31 Oct, 2020 at 9:47 PM
Any new user who wants to use the mobile app can download the app from the Play Store/App Store. Below are the step to sign-up to the mobile app: ...
Mon, 29 Jun, 2020 at 9:23 PM